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L.T. Cables

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KEI INDUSTRIES LIMITED is manufacturing LT POWER CABLES with PVC or XLPE insulation of voltage grade upto 3.3 KV conforming to various Indian and International Standard Specifications. KEI also manufactures other types of cables as listed at the end of this catalogue.

These winding wires have very thin insulation thickness which makes them useful in smaller submersible pumps such as V4 pumps. The old pumps are to be rewound the stator slots get smaller and they require thinner winding wires.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
C. C. B, P. C. B, Air Circuit Breaker, Capacitor, Capacitors, Conduits Pipes For Lighting Fittings, Connector Plugs Schuko, Contactor, Control Cables, Directional Relays, Distribution Boards, Domestic And Sockets In Metal Enclosures, Domestic Or Sockets In Metal Enclosures, Drives, Earth Leakage Relays, Electrical Conduits Pipes And Fittings, Electrical Pipes And Fittings, Electronic Capacitors, Electronic Relays, Gt Connector Water Tight, H. T. Cables, House Wire, Instrumentation Cables, Isolator, L. T. Cables, Livia, Magnetic Relays, Mccb, Miniature Circuit Breaker, Mpcb, Opale, Panel Mounting Socket Outlet, Power Protection Relays, Power Relays, Products, Push Button, Relays, Rigid Steel Conduits, Rubber Cables, Solar Cables, Stainless Steel Wires, Switch Disconnector Fuses, Thermocouple Extension And Compensation, Thermocouple Extension Or Compensation, Zencelo